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Activitatea fizică Resource visuals prepared for the Eight Weeks to Wellness TM health promotion program.

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1 Activitatea fizică Resource visuals prepared for the Eight Weeks to Wellness TM health promotion program.

2 Activitatea fizică este medicină preventivă
Aceasta este o declaraţie comună a Centrului pentru controlul şi prevenirea bolilor şi a Colegiului american de medicină sportivă. “Se estimează că de decese produse anual în SUA, aproximativ 12% din total, au drept cauză lipsa activităţii fizice regulate.” JAMA, Vol 273, No. 5 It is clear that physical inactivity is a serious health problem and a major cause of excess disease and early death in the United States. First we’ll take an overview of research discoveries about some of the benefits of physical activity as well as some of the relationships between exercise-and-disease. Then we’ll look at a few specific findings between the amount and type of exercise that benefits wellbeing or reduces the risk of disease or that is associated with longevity for men or women. “Physical Activity and Public Health.” JAMA, Feb. 1, 1995, Vol 273, No. 5, p

3 Activitatea fizică protejează faţă de . . .
Obezitate - creşte masa musculară Hipertensiune arterială - relaxează arterele Boli de inimă & AVC - scade colesterolul Diabet - favorizează normalizarea glicemiei Osteoporoză - menţine duritatea oaselor Cancer de colon - persoanele care sunt active fizică fac mai rar cancer de colon Anxietate & depresie - mişcarea este un tranchilizant natural Exercise is protective against many of our nation’s most serious health problems: Obesity — Exercise also burns calories and increases resting metabolism. This means you burn calories faster all day, even while sleeping. Active people are much more likely to control their weight. Blood Pressure — Because the arteries expand and contact to accommodate the increased blood flow during exercise, exercise prevents the arteries from getting stiff. Heart Health — Exercise reduced the risk of heart disease by about 50% in over 20 studies. A stronger heart is less susceptible to abnormal beats. Exercise improves circulation, lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol when coupled with good diet, and raises good (HDL) cholesterol. HDL helps protect the coronary arteries from cholesterol deposits. Regular exercise reduces blood fats and the likelihood of blood clotting. It also provides similar protection against stroke. Diabetes — Exercise acts much like insulin, facilitating the transport of glucose (blood sugar) into the body’s cells where it can be used for energy production. We say that activity improves insulin sensitivity. Diabetics who exercise regularly have half the death rate from heart disease than diabetics who don’t get regular exercise. Osteoporosis — Regular exercise, especially weight-bearing and strength-building exercises, help the bones maintain their calcium content and stay strong. Exercise, along with adequate dietary calcium, is critical for strong bones. Colon cancer — People who are physically active have significantly less colon cancer than those who are sedentary. Active people have lower risks for certain cancers. Anxiety and depression — Exercise helps burn up stress hormones and restores the body to a relaxed state. Exercise reduces stress and helps people cope and relax. “Physical Activity and Public Health.” JAMA, Feb. 1, 1995, Vol 273, No. 5, p

4 Activitatea fizică In studiul Deprinderi sănătoase, activitatea fizică a fost cel mai bun factor predictiv al longevităţii. Studiul Absolvenţilor Harvard a demonstrat că, în medie, fiecare oră cheltuită prin activitate fizică adaugă două ore la speranţa de viaţă. Studiul Longitudinal al Centrului aerobic a arătat că inactivitatea este un factor predictiv de deces mai puternic decât colesterolul, tensiunea arterială sau fumatul. Chair activitatea fizică moderată are efecte semnificative asupra sănătăţii şi longevităţii atunci când este făcută cu regularitate. In these studies, the level of physical activity was the best predictor of longevity. Dr. Paffenbarger conducted a study on 16,000 Harvard alumni. His research showed that the alumni who exercised regularly had only half the death rate from heart disease compared to those who never exercised. He also determined that on the average, for every hour a person exercised, life expectancy was increased by two hours. Exercise is certainly a good investment in time and health! In a recent article by Dr. Blair in the Journal of the American Medical Association, exercise was shown to be protective against these common health problems Dr. Blair’s research also shows that even moderate exercise is protective against the above problems. The change from no exercise to moderate and regular exercise showed the greatest improvement in health benefits, even more than the change from moderate to highly fit. It’s comforting to know that any regular exercise is going to be beneficial! JAMA 262:17,1989; JAMA June 23,1989; New Eng. J. of Med. 314:605.

5 Activitatea fizică şi mortalitatea
Riscul relativ de infarct (n=15,902) In the Finnish Twin Cohort study, 7,925 healthy men and 7,977 healthy women years old were followed for 17 years ( ). By using twins, the genetic and early family influences were the same or similar, making any difference due primarily to physical activity levels. These sets of twins were divided into three groups based on their reported level of physical activity: 1. Those who reported no leisure activity (seldom or never) 2. Those who reported exercising at least six times per month (two or more times per week) 3. Those who reported exercising at a level between groups one and two (occasional exercisers) Findings: Among the entire cohort (or group that was observed), the hazard (risk) ratio for death was 0.71 for occasional exercisers compared to persons who were sedentary and 0.57 for regular exercisers (two or more times per week) compared to those who were sedentary. Among the twin pairs who were healthy at baseline, the hazard (risk) ratio was 0.66 for occasional exercisers and 0.44 in regular exercisers, compared to those who were sedentary. The hazard ratios shown above are adjusted for coronary risk factors and age. JAMA, Vol 279, No.6, Feb. 11, 1998 Frecvenţa sesiunilor de activitate fizică de 30-minute.

6 Activitatea fizică şi mortalitatea
Riscul relativ de infarct (n=15,902) People in the Finnish Twin Cohort study were divided into quintiles (groups of five) based on exercise intensity (measured in METs. “MET” is short for metabolism. A MET is the amount of energy expended at rest, when sitting.) In this study, the higher the intensity of physical activity, the lower the mortality rate. This graph is based on 437 deaths in same-sex twin pairs. JAMA, Vol 279, No.6, Feb. 11, 1998 Index MET - quintile (1= intensitate minimă, 5= intensitate maximă)

7 Activitatea fizică şi longevitatea
Rata mortăţii în 9 ani (%) Bărbaţi Men’s level of physical activity in the Good Health Practices Study was inversely related to lower mortality (death) rates. That means that as physical activity increased, death rates decreased. Likewise, as physical activity decreased, death rates increased. Specifically, men who were least active had a mortality rate of 12.4 which was over two times higher than those who were in the most active group (5.9). Men who were moderately active had an intermediate mortality rate (1.66 times higher than the active group). Berkman and Syme, Amer. Jour. of Epidemiology Vol. 109, No. 2: 186. Studiul Deprinderi sănătoase

8 Activitatea fizică şi longevitatea
Rata mortăţii în 9 ani (%) Femei Women’s level of physical activity in this study was also inversely related to lower mortality (death) rates. That means that women who were least active had a mortality rate three times higher (9.0) than those who were most active (2.9). Women who were moderately active had an intermediate death rate (5.2). Berkman and Syme, Amer. Jour. of Epidemiology Vol. 109, No. 2: 186. Studiul Deprinderi sănătoase

9 Activitatea fizică şi longevitatea
Risc relativ de mortalitate de toate cauzele Bărbaţi This study included 25,341 men and 7,080 women with a follow-up of 211,996 person years. All of the above risk factors were found to be independent predictors of overall mortality. Of all the risk factors in this study, low fitness was the strongest predictor of overall mortality. The researchers also found that fit people with any combination of smoking, elevated blood pressure, or elevated cholesterol levels had lower death rates overall than low-fit people with none of these problems. The data shown is relative risk for all cause mortality for men, adjusted for age. Two other predictors not shown above include 1. Abnormal ECG at baseline testing, RR = 2.05 2. Reported chronic illness at baseline (one or more of the following: personal history of MI (heart attack), stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, or cancer), RR = 2.15 Steven Blair, “Influences of cardiorespiratory fitness and other precursors on CVD and all-cause mortality in men and women,” JAMA, July 17, 1996, Vol 276, No. 3, page Studiul longitudinal al Centrului aerobic

10 Activitatea fizică moderată şi sănătatea
Rata mortalităţii per ani-persoană, toate cauzele, Bărbaţi This slide and the next show results of the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study. This study measured various factors in men and women who were then followed for 8 years--(110,482 person years). The study included 10,244 men. Moderately fit men had less than half the mortality (death) rate (had a relative risk of 0.42) as unfit men (26.3 mortality rate compared to 64.0). Highly fit men had less than a third the mortality rate (had a relative risk of 0.32) of unfit men (20.3 mortality rate compared to 64.0). Sedentary men were 3.2 times more likely to die from any cause during the time of this study than highly fit men. Steven Blair, “Physical fitness and all-cause mortality,” JAMA, Nov. 3, 1989, Vol 262, No. 17, p

11 Activitatea fizică moderată şi sănătatea
Rata mortalităţii per ani-persoană, toate cauzele, Femei 3,120 women were followed 8 years ( or 110,482 person years) in the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study. The women also had various factors measured. Moderately fit women had a relative risk less than half (0.42) the risk of unfit women (16.4 compared to 39.5). Highly fit women had less than a fifth the relative risk (0.18) of unfit women (7.4 compared to 39.5). Sedentary women were 5.3 times more likely to die from any cause during the time of this study than highly fit women. Steven Blair, “Physical fitness and all-cause mortality,” JAMA, Nov. 3, 1989, Vol 262, No. 17, p

12 Recomandări de activitate fizică
“Fiecare adult ar trebui să acumuleze 30 de minute sau mai mult de activitate fizică de intensitate moderată în majoritatea, preferabil în toate zilele săptămânii.” (adică suficient pentru a arde 200 de calorii, sau echivalentul unui mers pe jos în pas vioi de 3 km) Knowing the importance and benefits of physical activity should get you moving. Here are some guidelines to follow as you plan your physical activity program: Health clearance: If you have a heart condition or other serious health problem, get your physician’s clearance before beginning any type of exercise program. If you are in good health but not accustomed to regular exercise, begin with moderate activities, such as walking, and progress slowly as your body adjusts to exercise.

13 Recomandări de activitate fizică
Încălzire/Răcire: Începeţi şi terminaţi uşor exerciţiile. Nu vă suprasolicitaţi. Îngăduiţi corpului să se adapteze. Activităţi: Alegeţi activităţi care folosesc grupele musculare mari, sunt ritmice şi vă fac plăcere. Frecvenţă: Zilnic dacă e posibil. Intensitate: Începeţi cu activităţi moderate şi creşteţi treptat durata şi intensitatea. Forţă/Întindere: Faceţi exerciţii de forţă şi întindere cel puţin de trei ori pe săptămână. Walk or do other easy exercises for several minutes to get your body warmed up or cooled down. This allows the heart, lungs, joints, and muscles to adjust gradually and is easier and safer on the body. For the best aerobic benefit, choose activities that use the large muscle groups for prolonged periods of time and that are rhythmic in nature, such as walking, swimming, biking, or aerobic dance. When you choose activities you enjoy, you will continue doing them. It is recommended that you exercise 30+ minutes, daily when possible, or at least four days per week, to make a good improvement in your health. You can accumulate your activity in two 15-minute sessions or three 10-minute sessions if you can’t fit in 30 minutes all at once. If you are just starting to exercise, choose moderate activities. Once you have become accustomed to regular physical activity and you want to further improve your fitness level, increase your activity time (30-60 minutes per session) or include more vigorous activities on alternate days. For a balanced fitness program, also do strength and stretching exercises Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine. JAMA, Vol . 273, No. 5.

14 Exemple de activitate fizică
Moderată Mers în pas vioi, 5-6 km/h Ciclism, 16 km/h Înot, nivel moderat Gimnastică de întreţinere sau dans pe muzică Golf, cărat de greutăţi Canoe sau vâslit, 3-5 km/h Grădinărit Intensă/Viguroasă Mers rapid în pantă sau urcat scări Ciclism în viteză, km/h Înot, ritm rapid Sporturi active : Tenis Volei Basket Jogging/alergat When first starting a physical activity program, it is safest to start with moderate activities. This helps prevent soreness and overexertion, two reasons why many people give up an activity program. To increase levels of fitness, gradually increase time and intensity. For example, if you are in good health, after building up a good fitness base, you may want to add more vigorous activities to your program two to three days per week. It’s best to alternate moderate and vigorous activities to help prevent injury and tiredness. Those who enjoy more moderate activity can gain more benefit by simply going longer, say 45 to 60 minutes, two to three days each week, alternating with their regular 30 minutes per day of moderate activity. If you are over age 40 or if you have any health problems, get your doctor’s clearance before engaging in vigorous activity such as jogging and strenuous sports. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine, JAMA, Vol. 273, No. 5.

15 Durată totală Exemple Două reprize de 15 minute Mers vioi 1,5 km Mers pe bicicletă 15 minute seara Trei reprize de 10 minute Mers 10 minute la lucru Mers încă 10 minute la prânz Grădinărit 10 minute după-amiaza Nu este necesar să faceţi toată activitatea într-o singură repriză. O puteţi fragmenta: Două reprize de 15 minute sau Trei reprize de 10 minute Your 30 minutes of physical activity does not need to be done all at once in order for you to experience health benefits. It is OK to accumulate 30 minutes a day with two 15-minute or three 10-minute exercise sessions. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine, JAMA, Vol. 273, No. 5.

16 Intensitate Intensitatea activităţii trebuie menţinută la acelaşi nivel pe tot parcursul perioadei (10-30 minute) evidtând suprasolicitarea şi oboseala. Activitatea trebuie percepută ca “destul de uşoară” până la “oarecum dificilă”. Exerciţiul trebuie să vă facă să respiraţi profund dar să nu producă lipsă de aer. Transpiraţia moderată este un indicator bun că exerciţiul este benefic. Keep intensity moderate when first beginning a physical activity program. After you have become used to regular exercise for several weeks you can increase the intensity if you want a more vigorous workout. If you are over age 40 or if you have a heart condition or other serious health problem, get your doctor’s permission before beginning. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine, JAMA, Vol. 273, No. 5. © LifeLong Health TM

17 Progres Începeţi cu activităţi moderate
Activităţi pe care le puteţi face fără să suferiţi de dispnee, care sunt “destul de uşoare” până la “oarecum dificile”. Creşteţi treptat până la 30+ minute pe zi Pentru niveluri mai înalte de antrenament, adăugaţi activităţi de intensitate viguroasă sau creşteţi durata activităţii după ce v-aţi obişnuit deja cu activitatea regulată. Dacă suferiţi de o boală de inimă sau de altă problemă de sănătate serioasă cereţi mai întâi sfatul medicului. An important principle in physical activity is to start at an easy level and gradually build up your exercise tolerance. If you are not used to physical activity, start with just a 10- or 15-minute walk. Slowly increase your time and activity intensity as you become accustomed to activity. If you can’t continue activity for a full 30 minutes all at one time, break it into three 10-minute sessions or two 15-minute sessions. This makes it easier for your body to adapt. Work up to 30+ minutes per day. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine, JAMA, Vol. 273, No. 5. © LifeLong Health TM

18 Control medical Majoritatea adulţilor nu trebuie să consulte medicul înainte de a începe un program de exerciţii fizice de intensitate moderată. Totuţi, bărbaţii în vârstă de peste 40 ani sau femeile peste 50 ani care plănuiesc să înceapă un program de exerciţii fizice viguroase, Sau orice persoană care suferă fie de o bolaă cronică sau are factori de risc pentru boli cronice trebuie să ceară sfatul medicului pentru a găsi un program de activitate sigur şi eficient. If you have a heart problem, diabetes, or other serious health problem, be sure to talk over your special needs with your doctor. Having a health problem does not necessarily mean you should avoid physical activity, but you may need special precautions and guidance to make exercise safe and effective. Be sure to check with your doctor. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine, JAMA, Vol. 273, No. 5.

19 Forţă şi flexibilitate
Includeţi exerciţii de forţă şi flexibilitate de 2-3 ori/săptămână pt a obţine alte beneficii importante. Menţinerea forţei şi flexibilităţii: Vă ajută să vă efectuaţi mai bine activităţile zilnice Vă protejează împotriva durerii şi leziunilor spatelui Ajută la menţinerea conţinutului minaral osos şi a tăriei oaselor Ajută la prevenirea peirderii de masă musculară (ceea ce permite un mai bun control al greutăţii corporale) Îmbunătăţeşte aspectul fizic, forma şi tonusul organismului Contribuie la prevenirea invalidităţii la vârsta a treia, ajutând la păstrarea independenţei. An important part of any exercise program is strengthening and stretching exercises. These exercises provide additional benefits to the ones you obtain from aerobic activity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine, JAMA, Vol. 273, No. 5.

20 Test de forţă musculară cu valoare predictivă pentru limitări funcţionale după 25 de ani
Studiu prospectiv de 25 de ani pe un lot de 3218 de bărbaţi, cu vârste de de ani Evaluarea forţei musculare s-a făcut prin testarea forţei de prehensiune a mâinii Lotul a fost împărţit în cohorte de câte trei pe baza forţei, apoi, după 25 de ani, a fost evaluată capacitatea funcţională % limitare funcţională A total of 6,089 healthy men (average age 54) were given a strength test using a hand grip dynamometer. The men were divided into three groups: high strength (the top one-third of men tested), middle strength (the middle one-third tested), and low strength (the bottom one-third tested). The men were then tracked for 25 years, after which 3,218 men were available for a follow-up testing of their functional limitations. The first test was a walking test — how well and fast could they walk? Men unable to walk at a normal pace (at least 0.4 m/sec) indicated limitation in walking. Men unable to rise from a chair without using their arms exhibited functional limitation. As this slide illustrates, the researchers found an clear association between increased functional limitations and disability for those who had a weaker grip strength, compared to those who had the strongest grip strength at the start of the study. In most cases, those with the weakest strength at baseline (25 years earlier) were two to four times more likely to have functional limitations or disability than those with the strongest grip strength. Hand grip strength gives researchers an idea of the strength of various muscle groups in the body. This study indicates that achieving and maintaining good muscle strength helps people remain functional and independent as they get older. Rantanen, T, et al. Midlife Hand Grip Strength as a Predictor of Old Age Disability, JAMA, February 10, 1999, Vol 281, No. 6,

21 Forţa musculară prezice gradul de limitare în efectuarea activităţilor casnice, mers şi ridicarea de greutăţi % cu limitare A total of 6,089 healthy men (average age 54) were given a strength test using a hand grip dynamometer. The men were divided into three groups: high strength (the top one-third of men tested), middle strength (the middle one-third tested), and low strength (the bottom one-third tested). The men were then tracked for 25 years, after which 3,218 men were available for a follow-up testing of their functional limitations. The men self-reported their ability to do heavy housework, walk half a mile, walk a flight of stairs, and lift 10 lbs. Those who reported that they were unable to do or needed assistance with these everyday activities were considered to have functional limitations (limited mobility). As this slide illustrates, the researchers found an clear association between increased functional limitations and disability for those who had a weaker grip strength, compared to those who had the strongest grip strength at the start of the study. In most cases, those with the weakest strength at baseline (25 years earlier) were two to four times more likely to have functional limitations or disability than those with the strongest grip strength. Hand grip strength gives researchers an idea of the strength of various muscle groups in the body. This study indicates that achieving and maintaining good muscle strength helps people remain functional and independent as they get older. Rantanen, T, et al. Midlife Hand Grip Strength as a Predictor of Old Age Disability, JAMA, February 10, 1999, Vol 281, No. 6,

22 Forţa musculară prezice gradul de limitare în efectuarea activităţilor de îngrijire personală
% cu limitare A total of 6,089 healthy men (average age 54) were given a strength test using a hand grip dynamometer. The men were divided into three groups: high strength (the top one-third of men tested), middle strength (the middle one-third tested), and low strength (the bottom one-third tested). The men were then tracked for 25 years, after which 3,218 men were available for a follow-up testing of their functional limitations. The men self-reported their ability to dress, bathe, use the toilet, and eat. Those who reported that they were unable to do or needed assistance with these everyday self-care activities were considered to have functional limitations. As this slide illustrates, the researchers found an clear association between increased functional limitations and disability for those who had a weaker grip strength, compared to those who had the strongest grip strength at the start of the study. In most cases, those with the weakest strength at baseline (25 years earlier) were two to four times more likely to have functional limitations or disability than those with the strongest grip strength. Hand grip strength gives researchers an idea of the strength of various muscle groups in the body. This study indicates that achieving and maintaining good muscle strength helps people remain functional and independent as they get older. Rantanen, T, et al. Midlife Hand Grip Strength as a Predictor of Old Age Disability, JAMA, February 10, 1999, Vol 281, No. 6,

23 Forţa scăzută şi riscul relativ de limitări funcţionale sau invaliditate
Activitate RR* Scăderea capacităţii de mers Incapacitatea de a se ridica de pe scaun Ridicarea de 5 kg Curăţenia casei * Riscul relativ (forţă musculară redusă comparativ cu forţă crescută) după ajustările pentru vârstă, greutate, educaţie, fumat, activitate fizică şi boli cronice. Forţa de strângere* Kg Forţă redusă < 37 Forţă medie Forţă crescută Peste 42 *O mână When you compare the low strength to high strength groups, you quickly see that high strength is good protection against future disability. People with low strength are two to three times more likely to have functional limitations and disability in later years. Rantanen, T, et al. Midlife Hand Grip Strength as a Predictor of Old Age Disability, JAMA, February 10, 1999, Vol 281, No. 6,

24 Cum să preveniţi invaliditatea
Esenţa problemei este . . . Dacă doriţi să vă păstraţi independenţa şi să suferiţi de cât mai puţine infirmităţi pe odată cu înaintarea în vârstă, este vital ca acum să vă dezvoltaţi şi să vă păstraţi forţa musculară! Efectuaţi exerciţii de creştere a forţei musculare de 2-3 ori în fiecare săptămână- Alegeţi 8-10 exerciţii pentru grupele musculare majore şi faceţi fiecare exerciţiu de 8-10 ori la o intensitate cât mai aproape de efortul maximal.Creşteţi efortul pe măsură ce forţa creşte. Aveţi grijă să nu vă suprasolicitaţi. If you are not used to strength-training, get an experienced person, preferably a fitness trainer, to help you select appropriate exercises and workloads and teach you how to train safely: 1. If you choose to lift free weights, have a buddy spot you. 2. Breathe properly — never hold your breath when exercising. Breathe out when working hard; breathe in during the easy phase of a lift. 3. Don’t overdo it. Start at an easy level of intensity and increase the workload as you become used to training and grow stronger. 4. Always warm your muscles up gradually. Start with easy workloads. Increase the intensity after your muscles are fully warmed up. 5. If an exercise hurts a joint or causes pain, use an easier workload or try a different exercise.

25 In 1998, the Oregonian newspaper published a story about quite an amazing centenarian: Mr. Ben Levinson, 103, who set a new world record for the shot put at the Nike World Masters Games. He threw the 8.5 lb. ball 10 feet and 1.25 inches, a new world record for men over 100 (the old record was 9 feet something). Ben was not always a strong, healthy athlete. At 90 he was depressed and very unfit. Then he met Dave Crawley, an athletic trainer. Crawley describes Ben at age 90 as “frail looking” and walking with “an old person’s shuffle.” Crawley challenged Ben to start a fitness program so he would “feel 80 again.” With Crawley’s help, Ben began with a strength-training program. He continues his program today with 20 minutes on the treadmill (2.5 mph). He also does 10 strength-training exercises, including weight lifting, three or four times per week.” “He’s grown two inches, just with better posture and more confidence,” Crawley was reported saying. After breaking the world record, Ben was asked, “What’s your secret?” To this, Ben answered, “Could be good genes. Could be sensible living. Could be optimism. Or moderation. Or staying active. I’ve never smoked., I don’t drink. I don’t do drugs. I keep away from spicy foods most of the time. I just try to use common sense, which is uncommon these days.” Ben teaches us that staying active and living healthfully ups the odds of enjoying life for many years — and possibly setting some world records! Brandon, S. “At 103, he’s only just begun.” The Oregonian, Aug. 12, 1998. Ben Levensin, de 103 ani, stabileşte un nou record mondial la aruncare pentru bărbaţii trecuţi de 100 de ani.

26 Mavis Lindgren maratonista de 90 de ani
Mavis a început să alerge după 60 de ani, motivată de probleme de sănătate Deţine recorduri pentru categoria ei de vârstă la 11 maratornuri în Portland A terminat maratonuri în multe locuri din lume: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego şi Londra Mavis Lindgren’s 11th record was set at the Portland, Oregon, Marathon at age 90 in 1997. She was encouraged by her doctor to become more active when in her mid 60’s because she had so many serious health problems including asthma, frequent pneumonia episodes, etc. She ran her first marathon at about age 70. Since then she has run 5 to 7 marathon’s a year for 20 years, traveling to large marathons all over America and some overseas, such as the London Marathon. At age 90 her health is excellent, her mind is sharp, and she enjoys being physically and socially active. In an interview one time she reveled that she had not missed one day of training in the past 7 years. Her health is markedly improved and her life is enriched by her active lifestyle. Don Hall’s notes from personal experiences and the 1999 Portland Marathon Program: “I’ve run the Portland marathon several times with Mavis, as well as the Los Angeles, New York, and Orange Grove marathon. Mavis was a member of the Loma Linda Lopers in 1978 where I first met her running the Orange Grove marathon,” says Don Hall.

27 Activ toată viaţa Alegeţi o varietate de activităţi fizice care vă plac Nu exageraţi ca să nu vă descurajaţi. Fixaţi-vă ţinte realiste Antrenaţi-vă partenerul de viaţă sau prietenii Păstraţi o evidenţă scrisă — un jurnal al activităţii care să vă ajute să vă evaluaţi progresul către obiectivele propuse. Priviţi activitatea fizică ca pe ceva amuzant, ca pe un joc. When planning of a physical activity program, choose activities you would enjoy doing for a lifetime. Look for ways to make physical activity fun, social, and something you look forward to doing daily. Having a companion to do activities with can help you maintain an active lifestyle.

28 Activitatea fizică este un medicament
“Toţi cei cărora le stă în putinţă ar trebui să meargă în aer liber în fiecare zi, vară sau iarnă. O plimbare, chiar iarna, ar fi mai benefică pentru sănătate decât toate medicamentele pe care medicii le pot prescrie..” One of the best exercises that nearly everyone can do safely is walking.



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